smart living scientist

Personal finance 101

Before we can DNA our personal finance system, we first must learn the FOUR basic building blocks of personal finances: A, T, G, and C. Can you figure out what they are with the information below?

In this free email course, I will show you the basics of how money works from saving for your emergency fund to investing and growing your money while you are off enjoying your dream life.

Here is a quick outline of what you will learn:

Day 1: Start with Why - What is your dream life and what does it look like?

Day 2: Asset vs. Liability - Understanding the difference between an asset and a liability.

Day 3: Taxes - Understanding the basics of taxes and how to lower them.

Day 4: Retirement Accounts - Understanding the basics and how to save and grow your money.

Day 5: Investing - Understanding the basics of investing and why it is the single most important way to grow your money.

Day 6: Credit Cards - Understanding the basics and how to turn them into your asset.

Day 7: Equilibrium - Make everything work together in a unified system.

learn The four basic building blocks of personal finances!

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